How soccer has prepared me for governing

I am a soccer mom. My three kids (now teenagers) have been playing soccer since they were old enough to run.

Soccer moms are easily recognizable. Often wearing tennis shoes, a cap, and sunglasses, we usually have a red utility wagon in tow filled with fold up chairs, sports drinks, water, granola bars and fruit, an umbrella, uniforms, sunscreen, slides, aspirin, and sometimes, even a fold up canopy. 

Over the years, our family has spent a lot of time with other families on the various teams we have joined. (At last count, we have been members of more than 15 soccer teams!) As we watch our kids practice, the parents catch up with each other, share stories, and tell jokes on the sidelines. We’ve eaten many meals together. We hang out together at restaurants and in hotel lobbies and at pools when we travel out of town. We host parties to celebrate a holiday or the end-of-the-season. 

Over the many years, we’ve cheered on our kids together. We’ve brainstormed and worked together to execute big soccer tournaments. We’ve shared the joy of big wins. And we’ve consoled each other in the face of disappointing outcomes that are part of competitive sports.  And over the course of hundreds of hours together, partisan allegiances have never revealed themselves. Partisan politics have never divided our team. As a volunteer chaperone on team travel, other parents have entrusted the care of their soccer kids to me. When my husband and I can’t accompany our kids on a soccer tournament out of town, we entrust the care of our kids to another team family. And never once have I thought to ask any parent who cares for my child what his or her party registration is. It just doesn’t matter.  Our families work together and stand united because we have a single goal — the success of the team and the individual health and well-being of each student athlete. Trust has followed. 

Just as in the world of soccer and sports, I believe we can work together in our community — Team Vegas! — and focus our energies, ideas, and resources on a single goal of creating a safe and vibrant community where we can raise our families (and play sports!), enjoy our retirement, recreate in outdoor spaces, and serve our community. 

By working together — as a team — we can strengthen regional collaboration.  Greater collaboration will position Las Vegas to secure its fair share of state and federal resources. I believe we can build trust and create a community where neighbors take care of each other — just as our soccer families take care of each other.   

Join me in my efforts. Join Team Vegas to create a safe and healthy community for our residents! 

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